Willie Hopgood
At Large
Willie Hopgood, Jr. has been in the field of human services, working with youth for over twenty years. As a graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Stout, his career began in 1gg2 at the Norris Residential Program. After years of learning and honing his skills working with youth and families, in 2002, he stepped out on faith and co-founded Connecting Youth lnc., a group home for high risk boys. Continuing his vision to deter juvenile delinquency and keep young men out of the correctional system, Willie founded Willie Hopgood Social Services in May, 2012.
Mr. Hopgood is very active with the Wisconsin Association of Child and Youth Care Professionals (WACYCP), serving as president from 2008-2009. He is currently a board member, a certified youth care worker, and agency member for WACYCP. Willie has earned several awards of merit and commendation such as the 2013 1tt Runner up for Youth Care Program/Agency award, the 2013 Youth Care Dedication award, and the Wisconsin Associate award. ln 2010, he served on the board for the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families to establish per client rates for group homes and residential care centers.
Throughout his career, Willie has established and outstanding reputation and connection in the community and throughout the human service industry. He is an active member in supporting Wraparound Milwaukee through his leadership, organization, and behavior management skills. The mission of Willie Hopgood is to provide the highest quality of care to youth and their families; and to teach them to strive and become responsible members in the community. He has shown extreme dedication to youth and families and it is obvious to any witness that he has an authentic passion for giving back. His devotion, commitment and allegiance for the children he serves go unsurpassed and he will truly be an icon in human service for many years to come.