Certification Information
It is a historic and exciting time in WACYCP history. The WACYCP has been certifying Child and Youth Care Professionals for the past 33 years (since 1981). We have certified thousands of competent, professional youth care professionals in a variety of practice settings. It has become a main focus of our organization and we are proud that you are currently among the certified in WI.
WACYCP is excited to announce that as of January 1st, 2015, we will be expanding benefits and recognition to people certified by WACYCP through collaboration with the Child and Youth Care Certification Institute (CYC Institute) and the Child and Youth Care Certification Board (CYCCB). These organizations offer Entry, Associate and Professional Certification Levels that align well with the existing WACYCP two-level certification program and are widely recognized throughout the United States and Canada. Participating in this nationally linked system will expand recognition of your certification across practice settings (residential, after school, foster care, mental health, public education, juvenile justice, recreation, disabilities, etc.) and regional areas. Between now and January, WACYCP will be working with the CYC Institute and CYCCB to January to assign you to a certification level within their system. Beginning in January your certification designation will be changing to CYC (Entry), CYC-A (Associate), or CYC-P (Professional).
Only practitioners who are CURRENTLY CERTIFIED and renewed in the WACYCP certification program will qualify to move into the new certification system. Please visit http://cyccertification.org/ to see the new system.